Salvium Wallet CLI User Guide


Before you begin, ensure you have:
  1. A computer with Linux, macOS, or Windows operating system
  2. An active internet connection
  3. Basic knowledge of command-line interfaces


  1. Download both the Salvium daemon (salviumd) and CLI wallet from
  2. Extract the downloaded archives to a desired location on your computer
  3. Open your terminal (or command prompt on Windows) and navigate to the extracted directory

Running the Salvium Daemon

Before using the CLI wallet, you must first run the Salvium daemon:
    1. Navigate to the directory containing salviumd.exe
    2. Run the daemon:
    3. You may wish to specify a specific seed, by adding this flag:
 salviumd.exe --add-priority-node 
Other seeds
  1. Wait for the daemon to sync with the network. This may take some time depending on your internet connection and the current blockchain size.

Using the CLI Wallet

Once the daemon is running and synced, you can start using the CLI wallet.

Creating a New Wallet

  1. In a new terminal window, navigate to the CLI wallet directory
  2. Start the CLI wallet:
  3. When prompted, type new to create a new wallet
  4. Follow the instructions to set a wallet name and password
  5. The CLI will provide a 25-word mnemonic seed. Write it down and keep it secure; this seed is crucial for wallet recovery

Opening an Existing Wallet

  1. Start the CLI wallet:
  2. When prompted, type the name of your existing wallet file and enter your password

Basic Commands

  • Check balance: balance
  • Send SAL: transfer <address> <amount>
    • <address>: The recipient’s Salvium address
    • <amount>: Amount of SAL to send
    • Example: transfer SALxxxxxx 5.0
  • View transfers: show_transfers
  • Exit wallet: exit

Advanced Commands

  • Create view-only wallet: viewkey
  • Create integrated address: integrated_address <payment_id>
  • Change password: change_password
  • Rescan blockchain: rescan_bc


  • Sync issues: Ensure the daemon is fully synced. If needed, connect to a remote node:
    ./salvium-wallet-cli.exe --daemon-address <node_address>
  • Password recovery: Use your 25-word mnemonic seed to recover your wallet if you forget the password

Security Tips

  • Keep your mnemonic seed secure and private
  • Regularly backup your wallet file
  • Use strong, unique passwords for your wallet
By following this guide, you should be able to run the Salvium daemon and use the CLI wallet to manage your SAL securely and efficiently.