Wallet RPC


This document provides detailed descriptions of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) commands available in the Salvium wallet. These RPC commands allow developers and users to interact programmatically with a Salvium wallet, enabling a wide range of operations such as querying balances and sending transactions.

General Structure

Each RPC command has the following general structure:

  • HTTP Method: Typically POST.
  • Endpoint: /json_rpc
  • Request Format: JSON
  • Response Format: JSON

A typical request will include the method name, parameters (if any), and a unique identifier for the request. The response will include the result or an error message.

Example Request:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "0",
    "method": "<RPC method>",
    "params": {
        // Parameters (if any)

Example Response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "0",
    "result": {
        // Result data
    "error": {
        // Error details (if any)

Available RPC Commands

Get Balance

Description: Returns the balance of the wallet for a specified asset type. Optionally, it can return the balance for all assets.


  • Method: get_balance
  • Parameters:
    • asset_type (string, required): The asset type to query.
    • all_assets (boolean, optional): If true, returns balances for all assets. Defaults to false.
    • account_index (unsigned int, optional): Return balance of this account index.
    • address_indices (array of unsigned int, optional): Return balance of addresses with these indices.


    "balance": <balance>,
    "unlocked_balance": <unlocked_balance>,
    "multisig_import_needed": <boolean>,
    "per_subaddress": [
            "address_index": <index>,
            "address": "<address>",
            "balance": <balance>,
            "unlocked_balance": <unlocked_balance>,
            "label": "<label>",
            "num_unspent_outputs": <outputs>,
            "asset_type": "<asset_type>"
    "status": "<status>"


Description: Sends assets from the wallet to a specified destination. This method supports multiple asset types and transaction types.


  • Method: transfer
  • Parameters:
    • destinations (array of objects, required): Each destination requires an address, amount, and asset_type.
    • source_asset (string, required): The source asset type.
    • dest_asset (string, required): The destination asset type.
    • tx_type (enum, required): The type of transaction, which can be one of the following values:
      • UNSET (0)
      • MINER (1)
      • PROTOCOL (2)
      • TRANSFER (3)
      • CONVERT (4)
      • BURN (5)
      • STAKE (6)
      • RETURN (7)
      • MAX (7)
    • account_index (unsigned int, optional): Transfer from this account index.
    • subaddr_indices (array of unsigned int, optional): Transfer from these subaddresses.
    • ring_size (unsigned int, optional): Number of outputs used to mix the transaction.
    • get_tx_key (boolean, optional): Return the transaction key after sending.
    • do_not_relay (boolean, optional): If true, do not relay the transaction to the network.
    • get_tx_hex (boolean, optional): Return the transaction as hex after sending.
    • get_tx_metadata (boolean, optional): Return the transaction metadata after sending.


    "tx_hash": "<transaction_hash>",
    "tx_key": "<transaction_key>",
    "amount": <amount>,
    "fee": <fee>,
    "tx_blob": "<transaction_blob>",
    "status": "<status>"

Transfer Split

Description: Splits the transfer into multiple transactions to avoid exceeding size limits. Supports multiple asset types and transaction types.


  • Method: transfer_split
  • Parameters:
    • destinations (array of objects, required): Each destination requires an address, amount, and asset_type.
    • source_asset (string, required): The source asset type.
    • dest_asset (string, required): The destination asset type.
    • tx_type (enum, required): The type of transaction, which can be one of the following values:
      • UNSET (0)
      • MINER (1)
      • PROTOCOL (2)
      • TRANSFER (3)
      • CONVERT (4)
      • BURN (5)
      • STAKE (6)
      • RETURN (7)
      • MAX (7)
    • account_index (unsigned int, optional): Transfer from this account index.
    • subaddr_indices (array of unsigned int, optional): Transfer from these subaddresses.
    • ring_size (unsigned int, optional): Number of outputs used to mix the transaction.
    • get_tx_key (boolean, optional): Return the transaction key after sending.
    • do_not_relay (boolean, optional): If true, do not relay the transaction to the network.
    • get_tx_hex (boolean, optional): Return the transaction as hex after sending.
    • get_tx_metadata (boolean, optional): Return the transaction metadata after sending.


    "tx_hash_list": [ "<transaction_hash>", ... ],
    "tx_key_list": [ "<transaction_key>", ... ],
    "amount_list": [ <amount>, ... ],
    "fee_list": [ <fee>, ... ],
    "tx_blob_list": [ "<transaction_blob>", ... ],
    "status": "<status>"

Sweep All

Description: Sends all unlocked outputs to a specified address. Supports sweeping specific asset types.


  • Method: sweep_all
  • Parameters:
    • address (string, required): The destination address.
    • asset_type (string, required): The asset type to sweep.
    • account_index (unsigned int, optional): Sweep from this account index.
    • subaddr_indices (array of unsigned int, optional): Sweep from these subaddresses.
    • ring_size (unsigned int, optional): Number of outputs used to mix the transaction.
    • do_not_relay (boolean, optional): If true, do not relay the transaction to the network.
    • get_tx_hex (boolean, optional): Return the transaction as hex after sending.
    • get_tx_metadata (boolean, optional): Return the transaction metadata after sending.


    "tx_hash_list": [ "<transaction_hash>", ... ],
    "tx_key_list": [ "<transaction_key>", ... ],
    "amount_list": [ <amount>, ... ],
    "fee_list": [ <fee>, ... ],
    "status": "<status>"

Sweep Single

Description: Sends a single output to a specified address. Supports sweeping a specific asset type.


  • Method: sweep_single
  • Parameters:
    • key_image (string, required): The key image of the output to sweep.
    • asset_type (string, required): The asset type to sweep.
    • address (string, required): The destination address.
    • ring_size (unsigned int, optional): Number of outputs used to mix the transaction.
    • do_not_relay (boolean, optional): If true, do not relay the transaction to the network.
    • get_tx_hex (boolean, optional): Return the transaction as hex after sending.
    • get_tx_metadata (boolean, optional): Return the transaction metadata after sending.


    "tx_hash": "<transaction_hash>",
    "tx_key": "<transaction_key>",
    "amount": <amount>,
    "fee": <fee>,
    "tx_blob": "<transaction_blob>",
    "status": "<status>"

Get Transfers

Description: Returns a list of transfers, filtered by asset type among other parameters.


  • Method: get_transfers
  • Parameters:
    • in (boolean, optional): Include incoming transfers.
    • out (boolean, optional): Include outgoing transfers.
    • pending (boolean, optional): Include pending transfers.
    • failed (boolean, optional): Include failed transfers.
    • pool (boolean, optional): Include pool transfers.
    • filter_by_height (boolean, optional): Filter transfers by block height.
    • min_height (unsigned int, optional): Minimum block height to include.
    • max_height (unsigned int, optional): Maximum block height to include.
    • account_index (unsigned int, optional): Filter transfers for this account.
    • subaddr_indices (array of unsigned int, optional): Filter transfers for these subaddresses.


    "in": [ /* array of incoming transfers */ ],
    "out": [ /* array of outgoing transfers */ ],
    "pending": [ /* array of pending transfers */ ],
    "failed": [ /* array of failed transfers */ ],
    "pool": [ /* array of pool transfers */ ],
    "transfer_entry": {
        "txid": "<transaction_id>",
        "payment_id": "<payment_id>",
        "height": <height>,
        "timestamp": <timestamp>,
        "amount": <amount>,
        "fee": <fee>,
        "note": "<note>",
        "asset_type": "<asset_type>"
    "status": "<status>"