The Salvium

Road Map

Phase 1: Launch Salvium

Staking and Yield Generation:

As a demonstration of the enhanced capabilities provided by Salvium’s evolved privacy, and a foundation of the Salvium concept, from launch users can stake their SAL tokens to earn rewards, fostering a secure and engaged network.


At launch, we introduce refundable transactions as the first step towards full compliance. These transactions allow recipients to return unauthorized or incorrect funds to the sender (minus a standard transaction fee) without needing to request an address. This feature, whilst trivial on public blockchains, is a major step towards compliance for a Monero based chain.

Phase 2: Additional compliance features

Private Blockchain with Compliance Features:

Salvium will continually develop to meet stringent regulatory requirements, particularly the EU’s MiCA regulations. Phase 2 will mean users can keep their transactions private while providing authorized entities, like exchanges, with a view key to verify their transaction history. This approach ensures user privacy while remaining compliant with regulatory demands.

Salvium’s developers are committed to furthering the reach of the base technologies Monero and Cryptonote, and will attempt to both contribute, and support compliance efforts such as Full chain membership proofs, SERAPHIS and JAMTIS as and when possible.

Phase 3: DeFi Support

Smart Contract Functionality and Private Token Issuance:

Leveraging the protocol_tx innovation, Salvium will enable smart contract functionalities, allowing complex DeFi applications to operate securely and privately on its network.

Middleware for Solidity:

To streamline adoption and development, Salvium will offer middleware that enables DApps developed in Solidity, the go-to programming language for Ethereum DApps, to be swiftly adjusted and deployed on its network. This move aims to simplify the transition of existing Ethereum projects to Salvium, effectively lowering the entry barrier for developers.